Trick-or-Treating in Long Grove

What are Trick-or-Treating Hours in Long Grove?

For those who choose to participate in Halloween activities, the Village recommends residents limiting trick-or-treating to 3-7 p.m. Homeowner Associations may adjust hours as they deem appropriate.

What safety reminders should I keep in mind when it comes to Trick-or-Treating?

Parents or an older sibling should accompany children and make sure they don't enter anyone's home without your permission. Map out a Trick-or-Treat route for your children to follow. Make sure kids cross only at corners and look in all directions first. Fasten reflective tape to costumes and/or bags to help drivers see them. Warn children not to eat any goodies until parents have had a chance to inspect them. When in doubt, throw it out.

Any questions please contact Village Hall at 847-634-9440